
Mr. Photogenic

I've seemed to forgotten someone in my "about me" there on the side of this page. Mommy to four and wife to one special guy does not quite complete me really. You see, I got this present for my birthday last year, and he's a huge part "about me". He's drives me crazy with all his hair, makes me angry when he begs, smells from time to time, frustrates me like no other,  is restless some nights, and still doesn't "Shake!".

He IS so tolerable, BLACK, adorable, loving (total momma's boy)( and daddy's too sometimes), born of award winning blocky "headed" parents, happy, and believe it or not calm! **Which is exactly what was on our wanted list!  

I give you "JET" ("jetdawg", "jetpuppy", "jettie" (from audrey).  Our Black Lab.


P.S. He kept my feet warm under the desk the entire time I was posting this.  (momma's boy :)